Sunday, August 31, 2008
Rotten Jack's Creep Show

Rotten Jack's Creep Show
Saturday September 20, 2008
Town Ballroom - 681 Main St Buffalo
5:00pm Start
Start the upcoming Halloween season off right by attending the 2nd annualRotten Jack's Creep Show! The Creep Show is a Rock & Horror extravaganzafeaturing guests, vendors, bands and contests all geared toward thehorror, halloween, and paranormal enthusiast.
This year The Creep Show guest list includes 2 celebrities that are worldreknowned for the iconic characters they portrayed.
Gunnar Hansen, The original Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, andTony Moran, The face of Michael Myers in the original Halloween movie,will both be on hand and available for pictures and autograph signings. Both will be making their first ever WNY appearance!
Other guests include:
Debbie Rochon - Ledgendary B-movie Actress/fangoria radio co-host
Rodrigo Gudino - Creator of Rue Morgue Magazine/Director
Rev Tim Shaw - Certified Medium, Paranormalist
Tony Mauro - X Files Artist/Pin up & Fantasy Artist
Craig Hines - AuthorGreg Lamberson - Author/Director
Amy Lynn Best - Actress/producer/director
Mike Watt - Producer/Sirens of Cinema Magazine
Melantha Blackthorne - Actress/Model
Bands providing musical entertainment for the night include local favesThe Rabies, Armcannon, and City Powered Radio.
Over 30 local & national vendors will be on hand selling and displayinghalloween props, movies, apparel, accessories, collectibles, and more!
Attendees will also have the oportunity to participate in several contestssuch as bobbing for body parts, best horror movie scream, jello braineating contest, and best horror tattoo. You can also compete for thecoveted title of Mr & Mrs Creep Show which goes to the couple with thebest zombie make up!
In addition, several short films will be shown throughout the night and ascreening of the Original Halloween movie will be shown at Midnight!
Presale tickets are available for $18 at Rotten Jack's Creep Shack - 5823Transit Rd Depew, NY 14043, online at or TownBallroom. Tickets will be $22 at the door the day of the event.
There is no other event like this in the immediate WNY area so don't missout! For further info please call 716-681-7818, visit Rotten Jack's CreepShack at 5823 Transit Rd Depew, NY 14043 or visit