Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Tomato Festival
The Tomato Festival takes place Aug. 29, 30, & 31, 2008 thirty minutes from Buffalo at Evangola State Park, a favorite spot for swimming, picnicking, camping, & hiking. There will be games, food, beer garden, farmers market, Chinese Auction, crafts, & antique motor display. Those with green thumbs will enter the Biggest Tomato Contest, the imaginative enter the Best Dressed Tomato Contest, big eaters enter the Tomato Eating Contest, & the best cooks will have a sauce in the Tomato Sauce Contest. Fri. - 5P Kokomo Time Band, 7P Ms. Evangola Pageant. Sat. - Car & Motorcycle Show, 12P Underground Stampede, 5:30P Billy McEwen Band. Sun. – 9A 5 K Race. 12 P The Be Bops, 5:30P Diva Show Band. Free admission before 8A or after 5P. $6 or $7 per car load 8A-5P. 6 or 7 complimentary Chinese Auction tickets are given to paying cars.